Although there are so many political issues that are important to the approaching election, I feel that the most important issue right now, is the economic status of the country. There are so many things to do, that there will be no change overnight nor in the next 2 years, but there has to be a long-term plan put into place that will NOT change even with the presidency of the country. It is important to realize that the country is in crisis right now because of corruption in the corporate and federal government. When “the people” realize that the government has, for such a long time, been bought by corporations to do their bidding and not the bidding of the majority of the country, and demand a change—only then will the change for the better begin.
While it is important to know that the presidents of this country have been nothing but pawns and have no real control, it is vital to support and re-elect President Obama because he is the only candidate that supports and fights for social justice and change. He is the only president that is really working hard on getting Americans back to work and getting the country out of the depression that we’ve been in for too long. The reason that what he does isn’t so visible, is because the corporations, along with the GOP have fought every move that he has tried to make. They are only wishing to stop his progress so they may be the first to do it and look like the heroes.
The American people are sick of the fighting between the parties and want to see sustainable changes, so we need to elect the tools for helping out our president. This means that anyone that is opposed to the president for no apparent reasons, that have no real plans of their own that the people are going to go for, that are only opposing him because of the fact that he is a Democrat, or because he is black—needs to be replaced by those on the same page as he.
More importantly than that, when the American people have decided to stop being distracted by the party wars, we can see that the problem has nothing to do with such. The problem starts with the secret societies and corporations that are selling off this country and selling out the American people for their own personal fortune. This is the only time that we can really begin to fight the real fight. This is taking back our government and being the government that this country was founded upon.
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