So as I am reading around on the web, I come past a picture that said so much that I could ever say, along with a comment from a person who put what I wanted to put into words, but because of my anger when seeing this picture, I couldn't even begin to speak. What the person had to say was so true and should be put out there for everyone to see.
The Republicans are leading the biggest attack on jobs and our political and economic freedom in history. Most of us understand the Republican led failed trickle down economic policies are destroying our economy and the middle class. What most of us don't realize is what a strong ally we have in President Obama and the Democratic Leadership.
The Secret to Creating Jobs is electing President Obama and Democrats in 2012 and keeping the pressure on. Democrats consistently give us stronger economic growth and security, greater equality and political freedom and lower budget deficits. Wall Street doesn't want you to know because Democrats will not give them free reign to crash our economy and pay little or nothing in taxes.
Franklin Roosevelt gave us Social Security and lifted us out of the Great Recession. Lyndon Johnson gave us the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Fair Housing Act and Medicare and Medicaid.
The 3 Presidents since FDR with the greatest job growth are the past three Democratic Presidents - Clinton (2.9 million per year), Carter (2.6 million) and LBJ (2.3 million).
Our next Democratic President was Barack Obama. Our President and the Democratic Congress inherited 2 wars, record budget deficits and Bush's Great Recession. Obama also faced historic
opposition from day one including record Senate filibusters which
meant it required 60 votes to pass anything in the Senate. What did they accomplish during their 2 years in power?
President Obama created millions of jobs (up to 3.5 million according to CBO estimates and Labor Dept jobs data) with the Recovery Act and other decisive actions while turning around Bush's Great Recession by achieving jobs and GDP growth in 13 months or less. Although unemployment remains at 9%, Obama has maintained jobs and GDP growth for the past 19 months.
Obama saved the now thriving Auto Industry and quadrupled oil drilling saving and creating more jobs. The Dow Jones increased over 50% from 8000 to over 12000 in Obama's first 2 years in Office.
President Obama has done more for Veterans than any President in many decades. Obama passed the Veteran Benefits Act, Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act and fully funds the Post-911 GI Bill. Obama works tirelessly to give veterans and their spouses the assistance they deserve when facing so many challenges: including unemployment, homelessness, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injuries and other disabilities. Obama and Michelle are presently challenging the private sector to commit to hire 100,000 returning veterans and their spouses in the next 2 years.
President Obama achieved Healthcare Reform, Financial Reform with the Consumer Protection Bureau, Patent Reform, Equality
Protections (including Equal Pay for Women, Repealing of DADT and Enforcing Union Rights), Expanded Environmental Protection, Fairer Taxation, Vital Investments in our future and much more. Obama achieved the most far-reaching, progressive legislation and administrative accomplishments since the 1960's. We all wanted more. The truth is with a 60 vote majority needed in the Senate and strong corporate opposition these accomplishment were a remarkable start to the change we need.
President Obama now offers us the only credible plan to begin creating more jobs and spur our sluggish economic recovery. As we see every day, Republicans continue to make their top priority stopping Obama rather the serving the American people.
The Secret to Creating Jobs is electing President Obama and Democrats in 2012 and keeping the pressure on. Democrats consistently give us stronger economic growth and security, greater equality and political freedom and lower budget deficits. Wall Street doesn't want you to know because Democrats will not give them free reign to crash our economy and pay little or nothing in taxes.
Franklin Roosevelt gave us Social Security and lifted us out of the Great Recession. Lyndon Johnson gave us the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Fair Housing Act and Medicare and Medicaid.
The 3 Presidents since FDR with the greatest job growth are the past three Democratic Presidents - Clinton (2.9 million per year), Carter (2.6 million) and LBJ (2.3 million).
Our next Democratic President was Barack Obama. Our President and the Democratic Congress inherited 2 wars, record budget deficits and Bush's Great Recession. Obama also faced historic
opposition from day one including record Senate filibusters which
meant it required 60 votes to pass anything in the Senate. What did they accomplish during their 2 years in power?
President Obama created millions of jobs (up to 3.5 million according to CBO estimates and Labor Dept jobs data) with the Recovery Act and other decisive actions while turning around Bush's Great Recession by achieving jobs and GDP growth in 13 months or less. Although unemployment remains at 9%, Obama has maintained jobs and GDP growth for the past 19 months.
Obama saved the now thriving Auto Industry and quadrupled oil drilling saving and creating more jobs. The Dow Jones increased over 50% from 8000 to over 12000 in Obama's first 2 years in Office.
President Obama has done more for Veterans than any President in many decades. Obama passed the Veteran Benefits Act, Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act and fully funds the Post-911 GI Bill. Obama works tirelessly to give veterans and their spouses the assistance they deserve when facing so many challenges: including unemployment, homelessness, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injuries and other disabilities. Obama and Michelle are presently challenging the private sector to commit to hire 100,000 returning veterans and their spouses in the next 2 years.
President Obama achieved Healthcare Reform, Financial Reform with the Consumer Protection Bureau, Patent Reform, Equality
Protections (including Equal Pay for Women, Repealing of DADT and Enforcing Union Rights), Expanded Environmental Protection, Fairer Taxation, Vital Investments in our future and much more. Obama achieved the most far-reaching, progressive legislation and administrative accomplishments since the 1960's. We all wanted more. The truth is with a 60 vote majority needed in the Senate and strong corporate opposition these accomplishment were a remarkable start to the change we need.
President Obama now offers us the only credible plan to begin creating more jobs and spur our sluggish economic recovery. As we see every day, Republicans continue to make their top priority stopping Obama rather the serving the American people.
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