Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011. . . can you believe it?

You know, growing up in the 80's, the last thing from our mind was, when we turned 30, we would be in the year 20 something. never did it dawn on us that the world would grow past 1999.  And here we are in the year 20 damn 11.

I haven't got much to say in this post other than HAPPY NEW YEAR. I've never been one into the new years resolution, although I actually do have a plan this year to do something different.  Only one can hope that it works out.

So I want to start working out again. Over the past few years I've packed on weight (which is actually a good thing), but I want to be comfortable with that weight. I want it to be the right kind, so I need to get that in check. So for the year 2011, focusing on my health is of the utmost importance.  I mean I am not getting any younger and it will be harder to take the weight off or work it out, so I may as well get it started.  Wish me luck!

What are your New Year's resolutions?